Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Knitting Bit For Those Who Were Scared To Read The Other Bit

Tonight I got to just over halfway through the Glass-and-a-half Tychus hat - I'm finding it a very quick and easy knit now that my wrist and elbow have recovered from knifting-related rsi. I didn't like just twisting the two colours around each other at the edge, 'coz I couldn't get a consistent tension that I thought would put up with manly indifference to my few nights' work, so I'm knitting the two together each time I change colours, which is making a nice effect along the bottom edge, but not too thick or deformed - which I think is a good thing, don't you?
When I remember to grab the MOMD's camera from his car, I will take a pic for you.
In the meantime, let me tease you with the info that our phone co is giving me a new mobile phone because they are phasing out the regional network that my current phone uses. When will I learn to Just Say No???