Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I knit with Grey's

Well, I will when I find my Clapotis again, and anyway, how could I commit to knitting in front of the first show of the new season?? On a really hot day??? I did tape it though, so maybe I can do a re-view with knitting in front, and finally get around to grabbing that button. I also taped Ugly Betty, which they put on first - my hubby thinks it's aimed at 14yr old girls, I think maybe uni students avoiding assignments (who, me??) will be a major demographic - after all, 7.30 Sunday night - leftovers and getting ready for Monday: they really need a good distraction, don't they? Practically a public service!

Yes. Well. No, I haven't had 8 hours sleep a night for the past week or so, (or indeed the past 7 months) and recently, between V's lovely teeth and trying to get this DRATTED uni degree FINISHED and not having a study anymore and life in general, some activities (such as housecleaning and sleep) have become somewhat more optional than is normally the case.
[Pause to pick up v. sad V who fell over - yes, 8 months old and she is pulling herself up on everything and stamping her feet in an ominous way. And she has produced something that smells like it should be cleaned up before we go any further]
[Further pause to answer phone reminding me of dentist visit tomorrow - must arrange childcare]
[V crying again - hit step??? Must go change, soothe and get ready for playgroup - need to get out of the house!!!]

ANYWAY, when I get my uni assign in (last ever!), I shall get some sleep (ha!) and time to knit (double ha!!) and there might even be something interesting to look at on this blog...
