Monday, August 06, 2007

Now that the Technicolour Dream Cardi is done...

Penni and I had a lovely time at the S'n'B on Saturday; tea, conversation, lovely lovely 'Poached Chocolate Mud Cake' (I have no idea in what way it was poached, unless it was done in a bain-marie like a baked custard??) and the chance to finish my Technicolour Dream Cardi in front of an appreciative audience! Would you like to see the picture that BlackCrow took?

On the way home, Penni asked what I would like to make next, and started laughing as I listed the numerous ideas I have floating around in my head, not mention the various half-done items and UFOs lingering in bags and boxes... So in front of the tv on Saturday night, I played with various piles of wool, and took photos yesterday:

(Sorry, 2Paw, I only had one ball of green:} But look! Lots of purple for Jess!)

And what did I start?

For Miss 4, a cuff-to-cuff cardi, which I am making up as I go along :)

Anyone want to guess what I'm (still) wearing today???