Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Proof of Life!


Ondulation, clutched fetchingly to the torso of intended recipient, to demonstrate general three-quarter's doneness.

(Don't bother trying to embiggen - this one was taken with the iSight, which is not reknowned for high-res gorgeousness)

And for those who commented today, thank you, I managed to read them even though Haloscan refuses to show them after my post - apparently I am not the only one this has happened to.

As for tonight, well, knitting may be interrupted by going out to dinner with the ladies from Playgroup, at a swish Italian restaurant in Battery Point (aka Hobart's answer to The Rocks, complete with stone cottages, boutique accommodation and fancy eateries).

Hoping that you are all doing well, your needles do not droop, and that your night is a nice one.