Friday, October 13, 2006

At the risk of quoting, I say "Isn't it ironic?"

Bushfire Season really knows how to start with a WHOOSH.
I have to say that my next emotion, after That-Smoke-Is-Too-Close-For-Comfort-And-It's-Getting-Bigger---I-Hope-The-Wind-Doesn't-Turn---Pity-Those-Poor-Folks-In-It's-Way, was a slightly surprised (and wobbly) amusement: Move to Hobart, away from Regional NSW where we had such terrible fires last summer (think Junee), and greet Spring with 35+*C and bushfires within 2kms, along the gully where we went for a walk last weekend!!
And to think how everyone warned us of the cold summer we would be having!!! It is to laugh (ha-ha-ha) at the irony of it all.
Knittin'? Nope. Nuttin' much.
