Monday, November 13, 2006

From Rain to JackJumpers to Flowers - But No Segues...

Rain! there was a smidge, now I must hang out washing and cause more rain, bring in potplants and encourage even further precipitation, and hope that Barbara enjoys her trip to Tassie.
Front DoorBack Door
You can't see it very well, but out the front is wind, rain (drops on glass door if you embiggen), grey clouds all the way out to sea, while out the back is wind, bright blue sky with scudding white clouds, and occassional flurries of raindrops preventing the washing from being put out. At one point, there was a huge cloudbank with the white fluffy edges directly above our roof, along the line dividing the sunny back from the damp front. Cool ;)


JackJumper the 2nd is on its way. Even having to use 2 stitch holders and a cable needle to catch the loops of the provisional cast-on that unzipped the wrong way did not stop me! Behold! the crochet cotton, unsnipped, as evidence of my perseverance in the face of stupidly-not-checking-which-end-of-the-chain-to-start-picking-up-from-because-I-didn't-want-to-leave-the-tv.

Flowers!! Beads!!!
