Sunday, September 02, 2007

In the house of nudies

nude children, that is! Prior to showertime this evening, Mr 7 stripped off and then started doing running races up and down the rumpus room, complete with flying finish up and over a pillow and the fitball and onto the sofa, all gangly dangly ribby little boy going as fast as he could!! Miss 4 soon decided to join in, a smaller, more fairy-like, swishy-haired small nude person, so they alternated running up and down the room and diving on the furniture. Meanwhile, the MOMD was holding Miss 1, who watched the carry-on with bemusement, a small trail of moisture suspiciously adorning the upper lip. Her nudie run came later: she has recently discovered that when she's had enough of sharing the shower with one or other of the older children, she can walk straight out, and she just keeps going until she finds an adult, a small, wet kewpie looking for any opportunity to slip on the hardwood floors and make you sorry that you ever ducked out of the bathroom to check on the veges...
