Saturday, September 29, 2007

Playing up

I played up yesterday.

While putting books away at the school library (Friday morning is volunteering time) I found the new book by Tamora Pierce, who writes the coolest 'sheroes' fantasy books. ETA: Yes, 2paw, it was Beka Cooper: Terrier, and I think it looks like the beginning of a fun new series/pair/whatever!

I took it home.

I sorted out the girls, made a cup of tea and read my book.

Made lunch, talked to mum on the phone, picked up son, set people up with food, and read my book.

Desfrosted/toasted/boiled various things for kids' dinner and read my book.

Put kids to bed, cooked our dinner and read my book.

Ate dinner and read my book.

Gratefully accepted tea and King Island Belgian Chocolate Dessert from the MOMD, and read my book.

Ignored all plans to go to bed early, and finished my book at about a quarter to eleven.

Happy. Content. Satisfied. Refreshed. Rejuvenated.

I do love a good book.

And the extra little spot of serendipity that amounted to the proverbial cherry on top?
It even had a scene where a woman was spinning flax on her doorstep, and when she got nervous her thread became uneven.
