Between 9am and 4pm, despite the 5.16 wakeup and the getting up late for breakfast and the generally feeling sorry-for-self, I managed to:
- feed and dress self
- feed dogs
- wash, trim and dry dogs
- put dog and other towels in to soak
- shift compost to make new vege bed
- sow summer seeds in 3 different vege beds (from small to med. sized)
- remember to write down what I put where in my garden book
- give the oven a bit of a clean
- unpack the dishwasher
- wipe out the new steam vaporiser whatsit
- do a repeat on my sock
- remember to run the dishwasher through a cleaning cycle
- answer a couple of emails
- brush the dogs
- spend far too long looking at (and downloading) amigurumi patterns, with the overexcited assistance of 2 out of 3 children.
Good idea.