Monday, January 28, 2008

You read it here first!!!

Penni has declared that (aside from a very small dishcloth number that has already been organised and will cost next to nothing to post):
There Will Be No More Swaps For 6 Months - that's NONE until the 28th JULY!!!!
She has promised to blog it, I scribbled it on my copy of the closest thing I had to hand (my CeCe pattern notes), and there might even be a ticker on her blog someday soon (she didn't quite promise to do that, so go on over and barrack for one, 'mkay?). Too many swaps, too much stressing about contents and postage and waiting for things to arrive...

In Other News:
we KIP'd at our usual bakery, I started on version 2.0 of my bamboo/cotton CeCe, we talked about our new Ravelry Group Tassie Knitters (Ravelry link) and what to do with the Enormous Powers therein .... there was snb goss, knitty world goss, and Penni lent me 6 dvds to see me through the no-tv season! Now, however, 'tis time to start dinner proceedings, put on some washing, change some beds, other household chores etc etc etc.
