Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It had to happen

Both daughters, one after the other, had a touch of gastro, mercifully only a very brief display of symptoms.

Then came yesterday afternoon.

I thought it was simply a case of one sweet bikkie too many.

Then came the burping.

And I knew.

I knew that my time had come.

So once the MOMD got home around six, I took myself off to bed with water, towels and a capacious plastic bowl, and stayed there (apart from a few visits to the amenities) until 7 this morning.

A day on the sofa is slowly improving my general outlook, momentarily ruffled by the discovery of a missing YO 5 rows down on my Ondulation, and somewhat depressed by the news from the post office that I really shouldn't expect a parcel from Canada any time soon, in fact 3 months minimum to hit these shores, after which Customs will subject my poor little parcel of sockyarn to various invasive and experimental procedures to ensure that it does in fact contain sockyarn, and not 400gm of whatever is the current drug-on-the-streets.
Of course, had I ordered Wollmeise they may have been correct in their assumptions, but not this time.

Until I have pics of the fixed Ondulation - and also the fixed Rattlesnake Creek sock (two miscrossed cables, 5 rows down. I'm seeing a theme) - I will share with you Sunday's baking instead. 2 loaves of banana spice cake, half a dozen cupcakes of same (well, there were when it all came out of the oven) and one date-and-apple loaf, no butter, no eggs.


or at least, they will be when I get my appetite back.


À bientôt, mes camarades. Et bon santé.