What a beautiful spring day we had today - I say had, even though it's only 4.21pm, because the clouds have come over, the breezes have changed from refreshing to goosepimply, and Squeally Baby Hour is Nigh.
Today, I started to catch up on a few blogs, but got no further than Donni's week of interesting posts; I followed links and discovered why Lime&Violet go beserk over Wollmeise sockyarns - I'd have to say that I think the squees are totally deserved, and if I had $36 Aust to spend on socks, I'd spend it there.
Also, reading widely and avidly has paid off:
Your Vocabulary Score: A |
![]() Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary! You must be quite an erudite person. |
In other news, today I shovelled compost to make 3 new circles for veges, about a metre in diameter each, so I can have an Asian circle and an Italian circle and so on and so forth. There was also weeding. Admiration of the lovely peas swelling in their pods. I had a handful of baby rocket leaves in my sandwich at lunchtime. I love my vege patch.
The MOMD has spent today working on the fence again - large sections of white pickets have been removed, privet hedge roughly trimmed, and the newly beautiful green and red fence is starting to take shape. Lots of oomph, I love it and want the front door to be red too.
I am a tolerant mum. Despite quantities of dandelions and daisies remaining unscathed across the lawn, I have not lost my cool over the shredding of the hyacinths and pansies, the whacking of the jonquils or the excavating of the strawberries. I deserve extra chocky for that, don't you think?
Kids went off to play with neighbour's kids across the road for the first time today. Now we really start to feel like we're getting settled.
I need to plug in the ergonomic keyboard - my wrist has been bothering me a little from resting on the hard edge of my laptop (I'm sure that kitting nearly every night has nothing at all to do with it)
I did a wool wash today, so tomorrow I will have candy feet - yay! In a sad development, however, I tried on my first monkey leg to check the depth of the heel flap, and only managed to get it on due to an extensive range of foot-yoga movements taught to me by dedicated monks in the hills above the Dilmah plantations... otherwise known as wriggling a bit while pulling on the cuff really hard.
Option A) frog and find some needles 0.5mm bigger.
Option B) ask Mum whether she fancies them
Option C) put needles and wool in a bag in a box somewhere and wait until the pain subsides before doing anything rash.
Tomorrow is my Mid-Month Meet-up with Penni, and also Jen. The local bakery, while not stocking eye-boggling chocky cakes or other such cafe stuff, does reasonable tea and coffee, and of course bakery fare, and has comfy little chairs and tables that we can shift around to suit ourselves. Added bonus of being 2 blocks from my house, and handy to supermarket for grabbing milk etc before heading home. Must do some ufo hunting tonight so as to have knitting for tomorrow, since monkeys are no longer a possibility.
Squeally Baby Hour has well and truly arrived. Time to go!
Blog you later :>
Blog you later :>