Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sometimes Bad is Good

I was A Bad Girl last night.

I didn't go to bed until after 1 am.

That was because I was having a Pride and Prejudice (see notes at end of post) festival. I enjoyed the first episode (and a little of the second) the night before, so at 8.30 I sat down in front of the Genius of Jane Austen, and watched the rest of that so excellent BBC series.
Of course, once I finished my dinner, I did not sit there with idle hands, oh no!

I was A Good Girl.

tea cosy for MIL
See the completed tea-cosy for my MIL (an amazingly tolerant and patient woman who has been dropping such hints as "I'm really looking forward to that teacosy, my old one is falling to pieces"). It has taken me forever to get back to this, because I really didn't like the first version, so this week I decided that if I disliked it that much, I should frog and start again. Three nights later, et voilá! I think that this will be sent with extras, to apologise for my incredible tardiness.

I also finished Roseleaf #1 - so pretty!
Roseleaf 1 and 1/9th
Can you see the cuff? I did my first Tubular Cast-off! Although the first few stitches are a little wobbly, as I learnt the rhythm and worked out the right tension, the rest of it is fine, and sooo s--t--r--e--t--c--h--y!!!!

I immediately (insert five minutes of admiring my bee-yoo-ti-ful sock!) cast on the next sock, using the Easy Toe at the end of this Knitty article on toes (nb lots of pictures, loads a little slowly). It is so fabulously simple! I love this toe. It is my dearest friend (at least where toe-up socks are concerned. If it were a choice between this technique and chocolate, things might be different). I started with 12 stitches picked up through the crochet chain, worked 4 rows stocking stitch (beginning purl), unzipped the crochet, put a needle through those 12 stitches, and began working in the round, picking up two stitches along either short edge, and then doing paired increases up the sides of the toe every other round. And look at it now! 5 rounds into the lace-patterned foot already!

Notes: doing a little search for P&P, I found this website: Pride and Prejudice - an e-text which is hyperlinked to annotations on the characters, themes, historical information etc etc which is a treasure trove for Austen fans!! I clicked on a link to Regency fashions and was lost for quite some time - for instance, this fashion plate on shawls - don't you just want to go grab one and start playing???
The whole book, free on Project Gutenberg.

Oh, and for those who wondered (2paw!) I found my sewing machine presser foot.............................................................................................................................................................
in the cereal cupboard.
Of course, where else should it be??

ETA: Grey's Anatomy is back on! Thrills!! (though strangely low key first episode, I thought)
